Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register to play with TRFC Junior Rugby?
This season, rugby is moving to a new registration and competition system called Rugby Xplorer (RX)!
The Takapuna RFC Junior Rugby RX Registrations are now open. Regardless of whether you have played for us before, all participants (players/coaches/managers) will need to create an RX profile in order to play rugby this year.
How to Register:
Step 1:
Create an RX Profile. Parents/Caregivers: Register as the primary account holder and add children as linked accounts. The primary account holder will receive all registration-related emails. If your child already has a profile, you can enter their details, and the system will show existing profiles match your search.
Create your RX profile at Rugby Xplorer or download the Rugby Xplorer app via Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iPhone).
Click the following links for instructions on how to create a profile and how to create a secondary profile
Step 2:
Once the all the relevant profiles have been created and linked for your family, you can now register for Takapuna RFC (Junior) as your Rugby Club for 2025.
Click on "REGISTER" on the left hand side of the page
Under "PLAY RUGBY", click "Find a Club" and enter Takapuna, find Takapuna RFC (Junior) and hit "NEXT"
Step 3:
"ROLE": Player (for Junir Players) or Coach/ Team Manager (Parents)
- Junior Contact - Tackle Rugby including Rippa Rugby (J7 & J8)
- Junior Non-Contact - Rip Rugby ages U9 - U13 boys and girls
- Teenage Non-Contact - Rip Rugby ages U15 - U18 boys and girls
"DURATION": Season
Step 4:
Complete all the additional details, including answering all the questions from the club and selecting your gear if you need it, then you can proceed to payment.
You can either pay via Rugby Xplorer (Credit Card ONLY), via direct debit (PREFERRED - details below) or pay via EFTPOS at the club (LEAST PREFERRED) at our “Have a Go Day”, “Muster” or “Weigh-In’s”. NB: Paying via EFTPOS has historically resulted in long queues and frustration for all!
Account Name: Takapuna Rugby Football Club Inc
Account Number: ANZ 01-0137-0048507-00
Reference: Last Name_First Name_Subs_Jnr e.g. Smith John Subs Jnr
If you are a family with 2 or more junior players, please make sure you register all at one time to be eligible for the family discount – just click the spot on the pop up!
For any issues, please reach out to, so we can navigate this new system together.
How much are Subs? 1 child playing = $130, 2 children playing (from the same family) = $210, 3 children playing (from the same family) = $260.
What do Subs Cover? Rugby is possibly one of the cheapest sports your kids can do – it’s $130 per child, there are 15 games and (a min. of) 15 practices (for Tackle & Rip Rugby) which equates to $4.33 per game/ training. It’s even cheaper if you have more than one child playing!
The subs cover North Harbour Rugby Union Levy, a proportion goes to the running TRFC and the rest on the ‘Welcome Gift’ that the kids get at the start of the season. The Player Gift has previously been mouthguard & tote bag, TRFC training t-shirt, TRFC cap and TRFC boot bag etc.
There is one paid person in the Club; the Club Manager. All other Coaches, Managers, Referee’s, Committee Members, Tuck Shop Workers etc are all Volunteers.
When do subs need to be paid? Subs need to be paid ASAP, to complete the registration process.
We do prefer that fee’s are paid before the Muster as this is when the children that have had their subs paid, will receive their “Welcome Gift” (i.e. boot bag or training t-shirt etc) from their new coach. We don’t like members of a team feeling left out at Muster as it’s an exciting time meeting your new coach and team mates, so if subs are paid a full team receives their “Welcome Gift”.
Subs MUST be paid before a child plays their first game, or they are unable to take the field.
What else do I need to pay for? Each child playing will need to purchase TRFC Playing Shorts & Socks. The Socks are $15 and Shorts are $45 and are available at our Weigh-In, Muster or at the Tuck Shop during the season. NB: These are the same Shorts & Socks from the 2024 Season.
Playing Jerseys are provided to each team for the season and returned to the club at the end of the season. These remain the property of TRFC.
What is a “Weigh-In”? North Harbour Rugby Union (NHRU) has a weight for age restriction for Rippa Rugby & Tackle Rugby. Your child will be allocated to a specific grade based on their Age and Weight. This is to ensure safety on the field for all players. Pre-season, all players in Rippa Rugby and Tackle Rugby MUST be weighed to ensure we correctly allocate teams.
Before the first game of the season all players from a Grade will play at the same field and a NHRU member will be onsite to confirm all weights for the team. (i.e. All J3 teams may play at Takapuna on Saturday 7th May, and all be weighed by NHRU before they take the field).
NB: Weigh-In's are only for Rippa & Tackle Teams only. (i.e. J8, J7, J6, J5, J4, J3, J2 & J1 teams). Rip Rugby is age group, not based on weight, so not required to weigh in.
When is Weigh-In? TBC for 2025
What is a “Muster”? A Muster is where all Junior Players gather to meet their team/ coach and receive their playing jersey’s. All registered AND paid players, will also receive their 2025 season “Welcome Gift”. The Junior Committee and volunteers are available to answer any queries parents may have also.
At Muster we often have a sausage sizzle and a run around with another TRFC team in the same grade.
When is the Muster? TBC for 2025
- 1st Session: 1pm to 3pm for J7 & J8 Rippa, J6 & J5 Tackle, U9 RipRugby
- 2nd Session: 3pm to 5pm for J4, J3, J2 & J1 Tackle, U11, U13, U15 & U18 RipRugby
When will the 2025 season start?
- Saturday 3rd May 2025 for Rippa & Tackle
- Saturay 10th May 2025 for Boys & Girls RipRugby
What day is game day? Saturday morning
How long will trainings be and what days? This will be determined by the Coaches based on their availability. Length of trainings and frequency also vary depending on your grade.
- J1 to J3 – Train twice a week
- J4 to J6 and RipRugby – Typically train once a week (dependent on the coach)
- Rippa Rugby (J7 to J8) – Typically train once a week; or before the game (dependent on coach)
Will there be games on Friday Nights? We love playing under Friday Night Lights and will try to organise games on Friday’s, especially for the J7’s & J8’s. In previous season’s we have arranged “festivals” for some of the Junior Teams, hosting teams in the competition and providing pizza in the clubrooms after the games. This provides a great atmosphere for the team.
At the start of the season, all games will be listed in the schedule to be played on Saturday’s. If a Coach/ Manager wants a game changed to a Friday or we choose to arrange a “Friday Night Lights” event, the Coach/ Manager needs to liaise with the other team. Once the other team agree to the date change, NHRU needs to confirm the change via the appropriate procedure.
NB: If the weather is inclement on the Friday, and the game called off; the game will not be played at the original Saturday time as this time/ field may have been reallocated to another sports team.
If I would like my child to play with the same kids he played in the previous year, what do I need to do? Please make this known on your Rugby Xplorer Registration. There is a section that asks if you have any requests for this reason. We will try and accommodate requests, if we are able to do so.
When will we know and how do we find out what team we are in? Once the registration process is complete you will be contacted directly by the coach to which your child has been allocated.
How do I get my child to play in a grade that is different to the ages for weight requirements?
Please request this at the time of your registration application and appropriate members will discuss and suggest the right course of action. Dispensations are typically an exception and approved by the union under rare circumstances. Please note that this is outside of our club's control.
I'd like to Coach/ Manage/ Referee a Team, how do I express my interest? Complete a Rugby Xplorer Registration as a Coach or Manager and we will be in touch. Alternativley, email and chat to the team.
To be a Coach/ Referee it is compulsory to attend a practical session at NHRU. To say Thank You for giving your time to TRFC, Coaches will receive a Coaches Gift.
I'd like to join the Junior Rugby Committee, how to I express my interest? Please email, we'd love to have you join our team!
I don’t want to join the Committee, but am happy to Volunteer. What can I do to help? Takapuna Rugby Junior Rugby is a Community Organisation run on volunteers – we need your help as there are many things to assist with:
- Field Set-Up’s on Game Day
- Assisting with the Junior Muster
- Assisting with Friday Night Festivals
- Assisting with jersey allocations & sorting kit bags (pre-season)
- Volunteering to work in the Tuck Shop
- Social Media support
Email to express your interest and we will be in touch.
Where can I buy TRFC Supporters Merch? Check out our online store.
We will have sample gear available at "Weigh-In" so you can sight and feel before purchasing online with Dynasty.
Takapuna Junior Rugby Tour. Every two years, the Junior Club organises a Rugby Tour for J1 & J2 teams. This is historically to Australia, however the 2020 and 2022 Tours had to be cancelled due to COVID-19. The 2024 TRFC Junior Rugby Tour to Australia was a hiuge success and planning for the 2026 TRFC Junior Rugby Tour is already underway! This is a fantastic tradition for our Junior Club that dates back to 1984!
Tuck Shop. To organise the Junior Tour ALOT of fundraising is required. Generally, all Tours have chosen to take over the running of the Tuck Shop on Saturday mornings. This is a huge undertaking, which requires parents volunteer hours to ensure it caters to supporters. All Tuck Shop profits go towards the Junior Tour.
We therefore encourage you to purchase coffee’s, sausages, drinks and treats after your game from the tuck shop to support our Junior Players.
“Takapuna Junior Rugby Group” Facebook Page. Please join us on our private Facebook Page. This is where we publish the Player of the Day photos for all our Junior Rugby Teams and provide community information. Search: Takapuna Junior Rugby Group.
NB: You will need to answer the required questions to join. If you don’t answer the questions your request will be declined.
My family or Company would like to support the Junior Rugby Club, how can we assist? As a community organisation, we rely on the generosity of grants, sponsorship and donations to function. Any support for the Junior Rugby Club is greatly appreciated, whether its for a event, a season or many seasons.
Ways that you can support us:
- Sponsor a Junior Rugby Trophy
- Provide merchandise for the player “Welcome Packs” (approx. 350 players)
- Provide merchandise or gift donations, for silent auctions at fundraising events
- Provide Sponsorship/ Donations to Takapuna Junior Rugby Club
Please get in touch with the Club Manager to discuss: